viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Mentime que me gusta

"At first I was a little reticent to interpret the video in such a literal manner -- ie, with actors, casting calls, etc.," Clark tells Spinner Sugus verde. "However, I fell in love with Ian and Corey's treatment instantly. There is something so darkly comic and eerily unnerving about the act of crying on cue. It feels like such a lie -- a betrayal in a sense -- to see someone burst into hysterics in one moment, and then, as if it had never happened, stand up, smile and go back to checking their text messages. Sometimes I had to restrain myself from laughing out of discomfort, and sometimes I had to restrain myself from crying -- it's as contagious as yawning."

2 comentarios:

Robledo Puch dijo...

Ya son varias las discusiones que hubo al respecto...

PJ o Annie Clark?

Yo me inclino por la segunda, pero basta escuchar cualquier disco de PJ y buscar alguna foto en google para que todas las seguridades se desmoronen


Hola que tal!!
Te hago una pregunta eres Robledo Puch o es un nombre fantasía

Sin ofenderte por la pregunta!!
Estan buenos los blog
